Are you nervous about your upcoming interview? Do you hear your heart beating like a stampede of elephants in the distance. Wondering if you will miss or score? You can rewrite your resume, and proofread your cover letter many times over, but in the world of interviewing, most people get one shot to make the right impression.
So how does one prepare for the unknown? Is there a science or art behind a good interview? Yes, and more important than the interview itself is the preparation for the interview. Below are 5 tips to help you succeed in the interview process.
1. Get your mind right.
Your psyche can either bring negative or positive energy, which may be recognized by the interviewer. Avoid stress and anxiety when possible.
2. Research the company and read in between the lines.
Out of 2000 bosses surveyed 47% stated the most common mistakes job seekers make during interviews is having little or no knowledge of the company.
Along with factual information, get a feel for the corporate culture, the interview process and how their values and mission fit your personal ones. This will also help you formulate smart questions discussed later. LinkedIn, Glassdoor & Twitter are great sources to help you gain insight.
3. From head to toe, appearance matters.
This is more than just about the clothes you wear. This is the time to sweat the small stuff.
70% of Employers claim that they don’t want applicants to be fashionable or trendy (unless it’s part of the company culture). Be neat and yet simple. Avoid any potential distractions (i.e. covering tattoos and skipping the cologne) because before you have a chance to say a word, your appearance (or odor, whether nice or not) will certainly be observed.
4. Practice your responses, but do not sound rehearsed.
Avoid clichés at all cost. You want to not only sound original, but genuine in your responses as well. Even if you have prepared a good answer to a tough common interview question, pause before responding as if giving thought to your response.
5. Ask smart questions.
Many of us may prepare for questions that may be asked of us, but fail to think about what questions that you may ask. Smart questions demonstrate your interest and knowledge. For example you may ask, “I understand that the company has a mission to decrease its carbon footprint, what role does this position play in that initiative.” Normally you are given the opportunity to ask questions towards the end of an interview so this may be your moment to make a lasting final impression.