Summer Business Casual Casualties: Dress Code Drama

Summer time brings out bikini tops and flip-flops. We dress a little lighter to escape the heat of the sun. Even companies with stringent dress codes, may relax their rules during warmer months. However, some may become too lax about their professional appearance, turning summer into a human resources nightmare filled with dress code drama. While I know it’s hot this summer, here’s what’s not.

Mountain High, Valley Low, Don’t let your Cleavage Show

(from the front or the back). Victoria your


is out. Yes, I saw the tattoo on the small of your back you tried to hide from your mom.  Wardrobe that is low cut or low-rise may equal job cut or no raise.

Press to Impress. Don’t be that Sloppy Joe or Dingy Jane

walking into the office like your clothes got chewed by a goat (as my Caribbean mom would say). The “shabby chic” peasant style is not in. I know the economy is tough and a dry cleaning bill may seem like a luxury, but starch spray and an iron goes a long way. If you’re wrinkled like the dollar bill you forgot in your pocket, it may reflect poorly on you.

No Funky Feet.

If you want to get your foot in the door don't let your feet get in the way.  Don't kick yourself with your kicks (sneakers) or flop your style with flip-flops. I understand you may commute via public transportation and don’t want to scuff your good shoes. Just switch them out when you get to the workplace. It shows that you care about and value your professional image; an asset worth noting.

Bring Spaghetti for Lunch, but Leave the Straps Behind

.  To keep your

skin in the game

, cover it up ladies. I know tanks are a summer staple, so try layering with a light cardigan or blouse.

It is hot out there this summer, but remember to keep your business casual style cool and professional while you escape the heat. Have a safe and fun summer!