Being likeable or agreeable is a key component to your success in the workplace. And it all starts with your attitude, controlled by no other than YOU. If you’re a Debbie downer or negative ninja that clears the room like a stink bomb, this one is for you. If two or more of these signs apply to you, it’s time for self-reflection and self-correction by applying these solutions.
No one greets you when you come in.
You walk into the building and barely make eye contact with anyone or people quickly look away. They are holding their breath and waiting for you to pass by because your negative energy stinks. Next time, greet someone with a smile and say hello. If the response is
awkward, it’s okay. Give people a chance to adjust to the new you and try again tomorrow.
2. You don't have a lunch buddy.
Lunch time is a great occasion to build relationships with your co-workers. If you’re in isolation during lunch, it’s time for a change. Politely ask to join a group that’s already at a table and have some small talk. Ask your co-workers what they are having for lunch; this may lead to an invitation. Or send out an email to your team letting them know where you’re going for lunch and offer to pick up orders.
3. You've been fired or in fear of being fired more than a few times in your career.
you think you would be the first person on the chopping block or cringe when it’s time for your evaluation? Do you come in with an attitude right at 9 AM wishing it was 5 PM? More than likely, it shows and reflection on you is not pretty. It’s time to reflect. You can change your job
you can change your
towards your job.
4. You find it difficult to come up with job references.
Some people like being the big bad wolf, but I’m sure they feel sheepish when they are filling out their job application and struggle to find a person to say something nice about them. All that huffing and puffing blew everybody away. Foster positive relationships before you need them.
If you think being likeable is about being a pushover or brown noser, then you got it twisted my friend. It’s about making a choice about your attitude daily, despite your environment and demonstrating your level of emotional intelligence in the workplace and beyond. Your attitude greatly impacts your quality of life, so choose wisely.